The Bible
From the beginning of the Episcopal Church, the Bible has been the foundation of our worship and knowledge of God. We at Epiphany believe that the Bible, understood through tradition and reason, contains all things necessary to obtain salvation from God, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Our worship services are filled with Scripture from beginning to end.
The Book of Common Prayer
The Episcopal Church uses the Book of Common Prayer as the guiding source of knowledge for liturgy and prayers. It is never seen as a replacement for the Bible, but rather a resource for teaching devotionals, prayers, and giving answers to questions. Many phrases from the Book of Common Prayer have entered mainstream English usage, such as “speak now, or forever hold your peace”, “till death do us part”, and “ashes to ashes-dust to dust.”
Holy Communion
The Episcopal Church celebrates the Eucharist through taking Communion every Sunday by means of bread and wine. All are welcome to come forward and receive the blessing of these spiritual gifts. In the Episcopal Church, it is believed that the bread and wine remain as they appear, but that Jesus Christ is present through a mystery of faith known as “Real Presence.”
Any person who does not wish to partake of Communion may come forward and cross their arms to receive a blessing.
Our worship is participatory. We stand, to sing, sit to read and to listen, and kneel to pray.
Our worship is our individual and communal offering to God of all that we are and all that we have as a people made in God’s image. Our worship is shaped by our Book of Common Prayer and accompanied by the organ and sacred choral music.
The mission of the Church of Epiphany is to celebrate the light of Jesus Christ, proclaim the Gospel, deepen our faith, nurture and encourage all people.